Christian Resources
Bible Hub: A Bible study suite featuring topical, Greek and Hebrew study tools, plus concordances, commentaries, dictionaries, sermons and devotionals. This site provides the Bible in 28 different versions (i.e., King James, New Living Translation, Darby Bible Translation, etc.), in 48 languages!
Bible Gateway: Read, hear, and study Scripture at the world’s most-visited Christian website. Grow your faith with devotionals, Bible reading plans, and mobile apps!
Christianity Today: Since 1956, Christianity Today has been a trusted guide for living out the gospel, strengthening both church and society. It demonstrates how the gospel transforms lives and fosters hope in individuals and communities, reaching over five million Christian leaders monthly.
CrossWalk: Crosswalk.com aims to offer the most compelling biblically-based content to Christians on their walk with Jesus. It is an online destination for all areas of Christian living – faith, family, fun, and community. Each category is further divided into areas important to you and your Christian faith including Bible study, daily devotions, marriage, parenting, movie reviews, music, news, and more.
The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts: The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts (TABCOM) is an organization that shares resources for mission, education, and social witness to Baptist churches in Massachusetts. TABCOM, believing no one church can accomplish building the body of Christ alone and that we benefit greatly from the sharing of our diverse gifts and perspectives.
Salvation Army: The Salvation Army’s mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. Every program offered is rooted in their passion to serve God by serving the lost, the vulnerable, the needy, the poor, the hurting, the helpless, and the hopeless. The Salvation Army provides assistance to over 25 million Americans each year.